Competition Corral


Choreo Corral
Line Dance Choreography Competition

The Choreo Corral is designed to give choreographers a chance to showcase their creativity and passion in front of attendees and professionals alike.

Who Can Compete?
The 2025 WWLA Line Dance Choreography Competition is open to all dancers who have purchased a WWLA 2025 Weekend Pass.

When Is the Competition?
The competition timing will be announced closer to WWLA 2025 weekend. Please be in the competition area, ready to compete, 10-15 minutes before the competition begins. Competitors will need to check in with the competition coordinator.

How much does it cost to compete?
*All competitors must have a Weekend Pass*
$20 entry fee per dance. Entries are non-refundable.

How do I enter?
Add competition entries to your cart from the registration page. When you select the appropriate division, you will be prompted to fill out a form about your dance before the entry can be found in your cart.

Will I need to submit anything else?
In addition to filling out the form(s) during registration, you will need to send your step sheet and music to no later than August 16th.
On-site entries will be required to bring their music on a flash drive and six (6) printed copies of their step sheet(s).

Which divisions are available?
There will be three divisions available:
Corral A will be non-phrased Beginner and Improver level dances.
Corral B will be non-phrased Intermediate and Advanced level dances.
Corral C will be phrased dances of any level.
Detailed division definitions are further down this page.

Does my dance have to be recently choreographed?
For 2025, there is no limit on the age of the dance being entered.

Can I enter more than one dance?
For 2025, there is no limit to the number of dances you may enter. We will accept entries until all slots are full.

How will the competition be run?
·Competitors will arrive at the competition area 10-15 minutes prior to the start time.
·Competitors will need to check in with the competition coordinator.
·The competition will begin with Corral A, then Corral B, then Corral C.
·Competitors will be called to the floor by name, entry number, and dance title.
·Corral A and Corral B will demo four (4) walls of their dances.
·Corral C will demo until they’ve shown all phrases of their dance.

Can I have someone else demo for me?
The short answer is no, all competitors must participate in the demo of their own dance unless previously cleared with WWLA. Competitors may bring friends and co-choreographers onto the floor to demo the dance with them. While competitors must have a Weekend Pass to compete, any additional dancers demoing are only required to have an All-Day pass.

Who will be judging?
There will be any non-even number of judges with the minimum being five (5). The judges panel will consist of WWLA Instructors or experienced dance professionals who are invited by WWLA.

How will the competition be scored?
Relative Placement scoring will be used.

What will the judging criteria be?
Musicality: Correctly identifying the rhythms in the music and using step sequences that reflect them. Choreography that may hit more than just the beat; correctly identifying rhythms, accents, etc.
Originality & Flow: Original step sequences, arm motions, interpretation of music, with each sequence comfortably transitioning from one to the next.
Step Sheet: Being able to correctly identify and communicate step descriptions, level of difficulty, and sequences (tags, restarts, phrasing) of the dance.

What placements and awards are available?
1st place in each corral will receive a trophy and a WWLA merchandise certificate.
2nd place in each corral will receive a trophy.

One of the three first place dances will be selected as the overall winner and, in addition to the prizes above, will receive a WWLA 2026 Weekend Pass and their dance will be taught during WWLA 2025!

Music should be free of inappropriate language. If it’s not something you could potentially play on the radio, you’ll likely need to find a clean version.

Dress Code
There are no requirements for what to wear however, clothing should be presentable and appropriate. No costumes or props. It is recommended that dance shoes (of any style) be worn. Any shoe that can damage the dance floors will not be allowed. Inappropriate clothing or shoes can result in disqualification. If an outfit or article of clothing is called into question, the judges and/or representatives of WWLA will have final say.

Choreo Corral

Choreographers should use their best judgement when categorizing their dances and these definitions should be used as guidelines. Ultimately it is the job of the choreographer to correctly define the level of their dance(s). WWLA reserves the right to move any dance between categories if we feel that it is entered in the wrong category. A representative of WWLA will connect with the choreographer before changing categories.


Corral A

Beginner dances should be appropriate for first-time, newer, or limited mobility dancers. Generally, beginner dances are defined as not having syncopations, too many turns, turns greater than 1/4 to 1/2, and tempos that are not too quick. For this competition we will allow one restart or one simple tag for Beginner/High Beginner levels. High Beginner and Improver dances should be those that introduce faster tempos, easier syncopations, greater amounts of turns, etc. These levels are the stepping stones between Beginner and Intermediate.


Corral B

Any dance that is greater in difficulty than the Improver level and does not meet the criteria of a Phrased dance.


Corral C

For WWLA, a phrased dance is any dance that uses more than one section of choreography to phrase with the music. This includes, but is not limited to dances that contain more than two (2) tags over 16 counts or one (1) tag over 24 counts.